AFGE Local 916 Elected Officers

President: Jeremy Ross

First Vice President: Rick Stuart

Second Vice President: Terry Day

Recording Secretary: Denise Walton-Colston

Treasurer: Brenda WIlliams 

Executive Board #1: Martin Castaneda 

Executive Board#2: Kris Camil

Executive Board#3: Chai Vannarath

Executive Board#4: Ron Gentry

Executive Board#5: Carl Ray Dean

Executive Board#6: Curtis Mitchell

Executive Board#7 :Mark Kirby

Executive Board#8: Monte Daughty


Audit Committee Chair: Martin Castaneda

Budget Committee Chair: Brenda Williams

Building Committee Chair: Martin Castaneda

Communication Committee Chair: Denise Walton-Colston

Constitution Committee Chair - Terry Day

Election Committee Chair - Carl Dahms

Entertainment Committee Chair

Grievance Committee - DLA - Carl Dahms

Grievance/Arbitration Committee - AF - Kris Camil

Legislative Committee Chair - Terry Day

Membership Committee Chair - Rick Stuart

Need assistance or want to become a representative? Call : +1.4057333851
Office Hours: Monday - Friday from 0700-1600 

7125 S Air Depot Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK 73135

Join us on the first Thursday of each month at 1600 at our monthly Membership Meeting!

AFGE at a Glance:

The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) is the largest federal employee union representing 670,000 federal and D.C. government workers nationwide and overseas. Workers in virtually all functions of government at every federal agency depend upon AFGE for legal representation, legislative advocacy, technical expertise and informational services.

AFGE believes that all unions should belong to the house of labor and has been nationally affiliated with the AFL-CIO since AFGE was founded in 1932. At AFGE's national convention in 1997, the delegates took the importance of affiliation one step further, voting for each of its 1,100 Locals to affiliate with their AFL-CIO state federations. This makes AFGE one of the few nationally affiliated unions to have all of its Locals affiliated at the state level. National President J. David Cox and National Vice President for Women & Fair Practices Augusta Y. Thomas are active participants in the AFL-CIO, working to enhance and energize the labor movement.

AFGE takes seriously its responsibility to help provide good government services while ensuring that government workers are treated fairly and with dignity. The union supports a meaningful transformation of the federal workplace to improve the way services and benefits are delivered to the American public.

As a labor union, AFGE is in a unique position because it is not currently afforded the same full scope collective bargaining rights as workers in the private sector. For this reason in addition to negotiating working conditions at the bargaining table, AFGE coordinates a full-scale legislative and political action program to monitor issues that impact the government work force. When Congress debates funding of vital government programs administered to the public by government workers or tackles employee health care issues, AFGE is on the scene representing its members.

AFGE represents government workers who are the vital threads of the fabric of American life. Government employees inspect the food we eat and the places we work, they protect citizens from the illicit flow of drugs, maintain the safety of our nation's borders, care for our nation's veterans, serve as a vital link to Social Security recipients, maintain the District of Columbia's infrastructure, keep the national defense systems prepared for any danger and much, much more. AFGE is proud to make America work.

The union is headquartered in Washington, D.C., and is divided into 12 geographical Districts consisting of some 1,100 Locals. More than one-half of AFGE's members are consolidated into agency-wide bargaining units. Agencies with the highest concentration of union membership include the Department of Defense, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Social Security Administration, Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of Justice.

Of the 1.75 million people employed by the federal government, only 250,000 are based in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area. The majority work in federal offices across the nation as police officers, mechanics, lawyers, correctional officers, environmentalists, nurses, mine inspectors and more. The range of jobs performed by both D.C. and federal government employees is impressive and so is their work.

AFGE Stands with DoD Workers

AFGE represents more than 240,000 bargaining unit employees throughout the Department of Defense. DoD civilian employees support our troops at home and abroad. They are the people who ensure the military force is supplied, trained, equipped, fed and provided with quality medical care. Our members include tank and aircraft mechanics, commissary workers, ship inspectors, factory workers who manufacture artillery and weapons for our military, auditors, electricians, firefighters and police officers. 

American's Workforce Leads the Way.

Our Modern Day Pioneers.


Demand that they oppose any amendment that aims to contract out civilian jobs, or prevent federal workers from performing work for which we are better qualified!

When contacting elected officials, please ensure that you do so while you are off duty. Do not use government resources (email, phone, etc.) when contacting elected officials.

A Brief History of AFGE Local 916...

The official charter date for AFGE Local 916 is June 26, 1946. In 1963, membership was estimated to be between 200-500. By 1965, there was an increase to between 500-600 members. In May of 1966, AFGE Local 916 had more than 2,000 members and was effectively fighting for the rights of the workforce at Tinker Air Force Base. On September 25. 1968, 75% of the bargaining unit at Tinker Air Force Base sent a loud and clear message when it voted to have AFGE Local 916 to be their exclusive representative. At the time of the vote, there was about 8,500 members. Shortly after, membership peaked at 8,600 members. Since 1968, AFGE Local 916 has represented the bargaining unit in formal discussions and grievances involving personnel policies, practices, and working conditions.


As we continue in to the 21st century, AFGE Local 916 will continue representing all of the bargaining unit employees at Tinker Air Force Base. Our local will continue to fight and ensure that our great workforce is protected. To continue our fight, AFGE Local 916 needs volunteers like you to continue the fight for our wages, benefits, and working conditions just as the civil service patriots did before us... Fighting for the workforce at Tinker Air Force Base helps not only the bargaining unit, but also the taxpayers. We must ensure that our federal agencies are held accountable and that they are good stewards of our tax dollars. Doing this will increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the operations performed at Tinker Air Force Base and result in the greatest benefit to the warfighter.   

Sources: Victor Imundo, Government Standard & AFMC-Council 214 Master Labor Agreement